Periodontics is a discipline of dentistry that deals with the treatment of periodontium (tissues surrounding a tooth) and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The major symptoms of periodontium disease are bleeding, swelling, and redness of the gums, bad breath, exposed tooth cervices, sensitivity to temperature changes, loosening or even loss of teeth.

In the prevention of periodontal diseases, it is essential to keep proper hygiene of the oral cavity, which consists in regular teeth brushing and using dental floss, as well as in using preventive treatments carried out by a dentist. All procedures are aimed at inhibiting the deposition of dental plaque and preventing the development of inflammatory conditions.

High impact on reducing periodontal diseases is exerted by a proper lifestyle, promoting the strengthening of immunity, consisting in following a proper diet, practicing physical activity, not smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption.

In order to prevent and treat periodontal diseases, we offer the following services in our offices:

  • supra-gingival and sub-gingival scaling
  • sandblasting
  • open and closed curettage
  • teeth splinting
  • filling of bone losses
  • detailed instructions of effective hygiene of the oral cavity.



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